Can Chiropractic Fix My Painful Symptoms in One or Two Visits?

A beloved practice member of ours was recently having dinner with friends when one of them opened up about some back pain they’d been experiencing over the past few months. They couldn’t point to a specific cause, just that it was an everyday issue keeping them from doing what they enjoyed. And true to form, our outspoken practice member asked if they’d considered chiropractic.

“I went a couple of times, but it didn’t do much,” their friend said almost immediately.

“Wait … two times. That’s it?” our practice member said in reply. Did we mention he’s outspoken?

“Well. That’s all I need to know if chiropractic will work or not, right?” his friend said. 

Some light-hearted ribbing amongst friends ensued. But when it came down to it, our practice member was trying to say that true healing and improved function happen when you maintain a consistent correction schedule. In other words, you can’t visit a chiropractor in Lewisville, TX (or anywhere else) a few times and expect significant and lasting results for the pain and other health issues that have kept you from living your best life for months or even years.

The Body Tends to Fall Back Into Old Habits

Is it possible to experience pain relief in as little as two chiropractic visits? Absolutely … especially if the pain you’re experiencing isn’t considered chronic and is due to a specific event (you woke up with a crick in your neck, slipped and fell at the grocery store, sports injury, etc.). But no qualified chiropractor will tell you that’s the rule for every person and every issue. In fact, if your issues persist beyond one or two visits, you may want to consider getting on a consistent treatment plan.

Why, you ask? Our bodies almost always revert to what they know — old patterns, muscle memory, specific movements, etc. So, whatever structural problems are causing you pain, you need repetitious adjustments to keep from falling back into old habits.  

Chiropractic corrects root issues throughout your spine using gentle and specific adjustments and re-trains the body to stay aligned. 

Thus, you feel better for longer.

  • Your posture improves

  • You experience less pain

  • Many of the conditions you’ve faced become less frequent

  • Your body as a whole moves and functions better

What if Chiropractic Doesn’t Fix My Pain?

We wrote an entire blog post about this very topic, so please click here to read it in its entirety. But essentially, we explain to our patients all the time that there is a chance our methods won’t solve your unique issue. This is usually because something else is going on that’s not a chiropractic problem. You could have a torn labrum in your shoulder that requires surgery and physical therapy to repair. Your symptoms may be due to an undiagnosed vitamin deficiency. You could have a bone-on-bone knee situation. 

As a doctor of chiropractic, our responsibilities include assessing patient conditions through physical exams and X-rays, making diet and exercise recommendations, referring patients to physical therapists, orthopedics, and other providers, and collaborating with those providers when appropriate to treat the whole patient. 

Even if we can’t help you, we know where to send you next for more appropriate care.

Call Compassion Family Chiropractic Today!!

At Compassion Family Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, our goal is for you and your family to feel like a part of ours. On your first visit, you will be greeted by warm smiles and a whole team that is happy and willing to serve you. We aim to provide you with the most thorough and effective chiropractic care available while treating you with unparalleled service all along the way. We look forward to the opportunity to become your family’s home for chiropractic care in Lewisville!

Give us a call today at (469) 240-2322. To learn more about Dr. David Ravdin, click here.


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