A Day in the Life of Ross. A Chiropractic Story.

It was a typical weekday morning, and our good friend Ross was already up before dawn to prepare for his day. Ross is a very cheerful and fun guy, which is why the team here at Compassion Family Chiropractic loves seeing him at various community events. He’s also known for wearing the finest clothes when meeting with clients, and his signature look always includes his famous bowtie.  

But what we didn’t know about Ross is that he has incredibly slippery fingers – especially when putting on that bowtie each morning.

Every morning, he drops that bowtie on the ground at least a dozen times as he tries to put it on. And each time he bends over to pick it up and try again, he lifts entirely with his back instead of his legs. You can probably see where we’re about to go with this. Ross repeats this unhealthy motion morning after morning, week after week, and month after month until BAM … he bends over one morning and blows a disc in his lower back.  

The pain is excruciating, to say the least.

What’s Happening With Ross’ back?


Ross’ repeated bending over to pick up that bowtie has created structural misalignments in his low back. At first, they caused no pain. But after enough stress and damage, Ross is now barely able to walk. When he blew that disc, the cells in Ross’ lower back immediately sent messages to his brain to say that there was a problem. The brain then told the muscles in his lower back to stiffen up to create a natural brace.

This was the body’s way of telling Ross, “You really messed up this time. We need to protect you from further injury.”

The only problem is that Ross doesn’t think that brace feels too good.

He’s uncomfortable and can’t stand up straight.

He immediately turns to muscle relaxers and finds temporary relief, but he continues to injure his disc without that natural brace to protect him. So rather than a one-time incident, he’s now throwing out his back a few times a year. Then it progresses to a few times a month until, eventually, his back pain is an everyday problem. Clearly, Ross is desperate for some help.

How Chiropractic Care Makes a Difference.


Ross is a pretend but perfect example of a common cycle that we see many people stuck in. It’s the cycle of simply “managing symptoms” rather than getting down to the root of the issue. At Compassion Family Chiropractic, we know that your body’s function and symptoms are directly interrelated. Typically, people start experiencing symptoms because the various stresses in life have caused their body’s function to decline. Their body is not working at the capacity that it’s supposed to, symptoms are on the rise, and they are frustrated with their health outcomes.

This is why it’s our goal every time you come in for an adjustment to help your body function better. Our approach is not about treating or covering up your symptoms. However, we so often see that as people’s bodies begin to function better, they begin to feel better, too! This isn’t because I’m a miracle healer. It’s simply because we believe God created your body with an incredible capacity to heal and thrive when circumstances are right and it’s functioning the way it’s supposed to! And the best part about achieving symptomatic relief through improved function is that your health results can last not just for today but for tomorrow, next week, next month, and well into the years to come.

Just a few benefits of better function can include:  

•   Decreased pain

•   Improved posture

•   Improved digestion

•   Better sleep

•   Improved mood

•   Improved immune function

We have had the blessing of seeing so many health transformations in our office, and we can’t wait for you to be the next success story!


Call Compassion Family Chiropractic Today!!

At Compassion Family Chiropractic in Lewisville, TX, our goal is for you and your family to feel like a part of ours. On your first visit, you will be greeted by warm smiles and a whole team happy and willing to serve you. We aim to provide you with the most thorough and effective chiropractic care available while treating you with unparalleled service all along the way. We look forward to the opportunity to become your family’s home for chiropractic care in Lewisville!


Give us a call today at (469) 240-2322. To learn more about Dr. David Ravdin, click here.


Chiropractic: Not Just for Back Pain